A $15 CGA / Youth on Course membership allows junior golfers ages 6-18 can play at over 115 participating courses in the Carolinas for $5. Frequently Asked Questions
How long does a Carolinas Golf Association & Youth on Course membership last?
After I pay and take the curriculum online when will be able to use my membership?
What is an eligible Youth on Course round of golf?
I want to golf. Should I just go straight to the golf course, or should I call ahead of time?
My facility is interested in being a "Carolinas Youth on Course Participating Course." How do we sign up?
Contact Us Interested in learning more about Carolinas Youth on Course? Contact CGA at 910.673.1000, or email Killian.Casson@CarolinasGolf.orgYouth on Course is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that provides youth with access to life-changing opportunities through golf. Private funding makes it possible for members to have access to play for $5 or less through subsidies to thousands of courses throughout the United States, Canada and Australia. Members have the opportunity to succeed through Youth on Course programs: DRIVE Club, Careers on Course, Leadership Council and College Scholarships. In addition, Youth on Course has an Alumni Network which extends membership to those 19 and older. This elevated membership offers opportunities for young adults to connect at complementary events, access exclusive deals, find jobs, and much more. |